Adding more berries to your diet could help protect your Julie Weston, Haskapa Lead Nutritionist. When it comes to dementia, many of us worry about how it could impact us or our loved ones in the future. The idea...

Adding more berries to your diet could help protect your Julie Weston, Haskapa Lead Nutritionist. When it comes to dementia, many of us worry about how it could impact us or our loved ones in the future. The idea...
"A single handful is like a super-supplement" Health, fitness & movement practitioner Ben Walker includes haskap berries in this article on the nutritional power of berries. Check the full article out here.
The deliciously-named Pickle & Lime store in Oxford @pickle_and_lime is now stocking Haskapa! If you're in the area, do the local shop thing, drop in and say hi to Joe. Tell him Haskapa sent you!
Very exciting to see us featured in the illustrious Forbes online in March.
Forbes: Little Black Book of Health, Beauty and Wellness.
Haskap Berry Powder. A nutrient rich berry that is native to northern hemisphere countries. Haskap berries are incredibly high in antioxidants, up to three more antioxidants than blueberries. Antioxidants are brilliant at helping our bodies fight free-radical damage and reducing oxidative stress.